
As I mentioned last month, I am having some health issues that are making doing the blog on a consistent basis difficult.  As I also mentioned, I am enjoying watching the wildlife in our backyard, especially the hummingbirds.

It occurred to me that they are a microcosm of Christian behavior, at least in one respect – their approach to and consumption of the sweet nectar in the feeder. 

Some of the birds swoop in, have a peek, and they fly off.

.Others approach the feeder cautiously, and dip their bill into the flower to get the sugar water they so dearly love, never stopping to sit on the perch.

Then there are those who sit on the perch and drink from the flower getting some more of the wonderful nectar in the feeder. But, they don’t hand around!

Others, will sit on the perch, take a drink,, look around, and then dip their bill back into the feeder to get more of the nectar that they dearly love. One drink simply is not enough for them.

As I watched the hummingbirds, I thought about how I go about receiving God’s Word. 

Do I hover around the Word, never getting into it or receiving it from His hands?

Do I get a taste of it from the sermon on Sunday morning but then never follow up on it or think about it until the next Sunday?

Do I read the Bible sometimes during the week, getting something from it but not meditating on it or really understanding what I am reading?

Or, do I sit on the porch (or perch), reading the Word each day and meditating on what it says?  Do I think about it and talk about it with other Christians?  Do I then go back to the Word for more because I can’t get enough of God and His promises, His covenants, His blessing, His instruction?

What about you?

Perhaps we can learn from our tiny friends that drinking deeply the sweet nectar from the Spirit is the best way to learn God’s Word.

Lord, forgive me when I have given Your Word a passing glance, the minimal attention or the momentary response when hearing a sermon.  May I meditate on Your Word daily, not just because You tell me to but because I long to be close to You, because You are my God!

2 thoughts on “Hummingbirds

  1. loved the pictures and your meditations concerning my favorite of God’s birds. Lovely to look at, lovely to read!


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